Gulf of the Poets: Lerici and Portovenere 2018-02-28T10:48:56+00:00

Project Description

Gulf of the Poets: Lerici and Portovenere

The Gulf of the Poets has always been a prestigious tourist destination for the atmosphere, climate, art, history, traditions and cuisine of the area, which covers the City Councils of La Spezia, Lerici and Portovenere.


“O blessed shores where love, freedom and dreams have no chains”: that is how Lerici was addressed by the local poet C.Ceccardi.

LericiThese words are also a starting point for an outine of this enchanting territory stretching along the eastern side of the Gulf of La Spezia, from the Muggiano Bay to the Marossa, and which is sorrounded by the Caprione, a chain of mountains which from the backbone of the Commune of La Spezia.

We suggest you to have a few minutes’rest on your way from Bellavista to Serra, before going down to the old center, and take a first look at this breathtaking landscape from these very mountains.
As the sky is almost always clear, you will enjoy the indented rocky coast, and its vegetation sloping down to the sea.



On the far western arm of the gulf of La Spezia is the municipality of Porto Venere, made up of three villages, Fezzano, Le Grazie and Porto Venere, and an Archipelago (Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto).

PortovenereGeographical data tells us a lot about the municipality.
Portovenere is a characteristic medieval village and with its coloured, narrow high houses, the genoese Castle, the St. Pietro Church on the steep cliff, it unites an illustrious history with the charm of “finis terrae”. Portovenere

It is a picturesque village established during the Roman period on a rocky peninsula surrounded by the sea.

The legend tells that the “Beauty godness” was fascinated by a so great natural masterpiece.
To visit: San Pietro church (1277), Byron’s Grotto, the castle and San Lorenzo church.
To taste fresh fish at dinner on the “calata” (quay).